24-Hour Emergency HVAC Specialists Can Make Quick Repairs When Your HVAC Breaks Down

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24-Hour Emergency HVAC Specialists Can Make Quick Repairs When Your HVAC Breaks Down

24-Hour Emergency HVAC Specialists Can Make Quick Repairs When Your HVAC Breaks Down

14 February 2023
, Blog

Since your HVAC has mechanical parts, it's possible it will break down one day. Unfortunately, that could happen on a holiday or in the middle of the night. You may not be able to go without heat or air conditioning when the weather is extreme, so you can always call 24-hour emergency HVAC specialists to come to your rescue.

However, you may not know if your situation is an emergency or not. Here's when it's worth a call to an emergency HVAC company for quick help.

When An Elderly Person Lives In Your Home

You might be able to tough out a freezing night or hot and humid day, but those conditions could be too severe for an elderly person to endure. Older people have a harder time controlling their body temperature and extreme cold or hot could have more serious consequences for them than it would for you.

This is even more true if the elderly person has a medical condition such as COPD or Alzheimer's disease. It's best to call a 24-hour emergency HVAC specialist and let them know about your problem and that you have a vulnerable elderly person living in your home so you can get help as quickly as possible.

When The Equipment Sounds Or Smells Odd

A malfunctioning gas furnace could be dangerous. If you detect the odor of gas, call an emergency HVAC service and let them know. They can tell you what to do while you wait on a technician to arrive.

Even if you have an electric furnace, odors can alert you to problems. The smell of burning could indicate an electrical problem that needs to be examined. The emergency HVAC service may tell you to shut your HVAC down until someone arrives so you reduce the risk of a fire.

Besides odors, sounds can indicate a problem with your HVAC that could be serious. For instance, when gas builds in the combustion area, it may ignite all at once and make a loud boom when the furnace kicks on.

This is a dangerous situation since the boom could crack the heat exchanger, blow soot through your home, or cause carbon monoxide to leak. Call a 24-hour emergency HVAC company and let them know about odd noises you hear.

It's a good time to call for emergency help when you think something is dangerous with your equipment or if your equipment is not working at all and the temperature in your home is uncomfortable.

You can explain your problem to the service, and they'll send help right away if it's needed. A problem that's not serious can wait for a regular repair call during business hours, but sometimes you may need emergency help. Contact a 24-hour emergency HVAC company for more information. 

About Me
what services can an HVAC technician do for you

What can your HVAC technician do for you? Some HVAC contractors perform tasks beyond the heating and cooling system work that they do for you. In fact, my HVAC technician does plumbing and even some electrical work in my home. I had no idea that the company offered this type of service until he made a few suggestions about improving the plumbing system in my home as he inspected my HVAC system to get it ready for winter. Find out what your HVAC contractor can do for your home here on my blog. When you've reached the end, you will know very well what you can ask of your technician and avoid contacting a second contractor.
