What You Should Do If Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling: 3 Tips

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What You Should Do If Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling: 3 Tips

What You Should Do If Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling: 3 Tips

30 July 2021
, Blog

Your air conditioner will make noises when it turns on and off, but if it sounds like it's struggling, you may have an issue with your system. Your air conditioner may be struggling for a number of reasons: it may not be large enough for your house, it could be set to too low of a temperature that it cannot keep up, or you could have a very dirty air conditioning unit that is struggling to get enough air to run properly. If your system sounds like it's struggling, you need to do something about it before you end up with a breakdown. Read on for some helpful tips to prevent a breakdown of your unit.

1. Clean Your System

Clean the unit outside with your garden hose to loosen the dirt and debris that may be clogging the fins on your unit. If you have too much debris in these tiny fins, you could block the flow of air, which is going to cause your air conditioner to struggle to keep up with the temperature you have your thermostat set to. You should clean your system frequently, especially before and after the season.

2. Replace The Insulation On Your Refrigerant Line

If the insulation covering your refrigerant line is not in good shape or is no longer providing protection for your refrigerant line, you need to make repairs to it. Your refrigerant line needs to be protected to prevent it from losing temperature and to help to prevent your system from freezing. You should inspect your insulation and replace it as needed, especially if your system sounds like it's struggling.

3. Replace You Unit

If your unit is not able to keep up with the temperature in your home, it's making a lot of noise, or it's just not working properly, you may want to consider replacing the unit with something that is newer and larger to keep up with the temperature in your home. You shouldn't get anything too large, as this is also going to cause a problem with not being able to cool your home properly. You should consult an HVAC technician about what size unit is best for your home.

If your air conditioning system seems to be struggling to keep up with the temperature you set for your thermostat, it could be a problem with the unit itself, as opposed to the temperature. Hire an AC repair company to get to the bottom of this issue

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what services can an HVAC technician do for you

What can your HVAC technician do for you? Some HVAC contractors perform tasks beyond the heating and cooling system work that they do for you. In fact, my HVAC technician does plumbing and even some electrical work in my home. I had no idea that the company offered this type of service until he made a few suggestions about improving the plumbing system in my home as he inspected my HVAC system to get it ready for winter. Find out what your HVAC contractor can do for your home here on my blog. When you've reached the end, you will know very well what you can ask of your technician and avoid contacting a second contractor.
