Heating Repairs And Troubleshooting Problems After Turning The Furnace On
When you turn the furnace on for the first time this year, there may be a few unexpected problems. You will need to find the cause of heating problems and have them fixed before they get worse. The following troubleshooting and heating repairs are some of the things that you may need to deal with when you turn your furnace on:
Problems With the Furnace Turning On
The first issue you may have when you go to turn your furnace on is it is not turning on at all. This is often due to simple problems that can be solved quickly with a little troubleshooting. You want to check the breaker and main power switch to ensure that electricity is getting to the furnace. After you check the power, look at the maintenance access panel. Many modern furnaces have a safety switch here, and the furnace will not turn on if the access panel is not closed correctly.
Problems With Pilot Light and Control Panels
The control panel and pilot light of your furnace is the next area where you will want to look for problems. First, check the pilot light or electric ignitor to ensure the furnace can turn on when needed. You may need to clean the pilot light. If there is a problem with an electric ignitor, a heating repair service can replace it. You will also want to check the control panel to make sure it is not damaged and causing the problems with your furnace.
Problems With Ductwork and HVAC Vents
Modern heating systems are complicated mechanical systems that also have parts in the ductwork. Today, if you have a zoned HVAC system, problems with dampers can cause the furnace to not heat your home as it should. In addition, damaged ducts with air leaks can cause heat to be lost before it gets to the vents to warm your home.
Problems With the Furnace Not Turning Off
Another issue that you may have when you turn your furnace on is that it does not turn off when it should. This problem can be caused by faulty control panels and parts in the furnace that need to be replaced. The issue may also be due to a bad thermostat that is outdated and needs to be replaced.
These are some of the problems with your furnace that you will have to deal with when you crank your heating up this year. If you have problems after turning your heating on, contact a heating service to fix it before you really need it.