Types Of AC Maintenance Your HVAC Technician Can Teach You About
As a homeowner, it is important for you to take care of your home's air conditioning system. This means that it's important for you to perform regular maintenance on your air conditioning unit. Some types of air conditioning maintenance should be done by a professional, so you will need to work with an HVAC technician if you want to keep your air conditioning unit in good condition. However, there are some types of air conditioning maintenance that you should be able to perform on your own. These are some of the things that your HVAC technician can talk to you a little bit about so that you can handle them without any help.
Changing Your Filters
One of the simplest air conditioning maintenance tasks that you can do as a homeowner is to change your air conditioning filters. Although it is a simple task, it is also a very important task that you should not forget about if you want to keep your air conditioning unit functioning properly. An HVAC technician can tell you a little more about why it's so important to change your air conditioning filters. They can also help you determine the appropriate filter size for your unit and can show you how to change it.
Checking Your Thermostat Batteries
In order for your air conditioning system to work as it is supposed to, you need to have a properly functioning thermostat. Unfortunately, your thermostat cannot operate as it is supposed to without batteries. Luckily, thermostat batteries typically work for quite some time, so you shouldn't have to change them very often. The downside of this, however, is that you might forget to change them from time to time. An HVAC technician can show you how to tell if your thermostat needs new batteries and can also show you how to change the batteries when needed.
Keeping the Area Around Your Outdoor Unit Clean
Keeping a neat and tidy yard is a priority for many people. After all, it's a good way to enhance the curb appeal of a home and make the home and yard a lot more enjoyable for you and your family. There are other reasons why it's a good idea to handle yard work too, however. For example, keeping the area around your air conditioning's outdoor unit is important. This makes it easier for you or an HVAC technician to access the unit to check for problems or perform maintenance and repairs. It also helps you ensure that air can flow in, out, and around your unit, and it can help prevent debris from getting stuck in the moving parts of your outdoor unit.
To learn more information about AC maintenance, reach out to a professional near you.