The Warm Weather Won't Last Forever: How To Get Your Heater Ready For Winter

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The Warm Weather Won't Last Forever: How To Get Your Heater Ready For Winter

The Warm Weather Won't Last Forever: How To Get Your Heater Ready For Winter

17 July 2020
, Blog

If you're like most people, you'd like the warm weather to hang around a while longer. However, winter will be here, in just a few months. When it finally does arrive, in all its cold-weather glory, you need to make sure that your heater is up for the task. If it's not, things might get colder than you'd like, especially in your home. Before you're stuck with a cold home, here are some maintenance tips for your heater. 

Program Your Thermostat

If you haven't programmed your thermostat, now's the time to take care of that. You might not need to have your thermostat programmed during the summer. But, it's a different story during the winter, especially once the freezing temperatures hit. During the winter, you need your home to maintain a warm temperature, even when you're not home. If your home gets too cold, then your water pipes may burst. If that happens, you'll be taking care of water damage this winter. The best way to avoid that is to program your thermostat. That way, your home maintains a safe temperature, even when you're gone. 

Inspect the Drainage Tube

If you haven't cleaned the drainage tube on your heater, you need to take care of that before winter arrives. If you thought only your air conditioner had a drainage tube, you were mistaken. Like your air conditioner, your heater generates condensation while it's running. The condensation is removed from the heater through a drainage tube. If the tube gets clogged, it won't drain properly. If that happens, condensation can get into the manifold and shut off the flame sensor. Not only that, but the drainage area may also overflow, which could cause water damage in your furnace room. 

Check the Flame Sensor

While you're inspecting your drainage tube, you also need to check the flame sensor. If your flame sensor is dirty, your heater won't function properly. Luckily, flame sensors are easy to clean. Simply remove the flame sensor and wipe the sensor off with a clean cloth. Once you've cleaned the sensor, you can place it back in its compartment. It's a good idea to check your flame sensor before you start your heater up each year. 

Call the Professionals

Finally, if you want to make sure your heater is up and ready for action this winter, call the professionals. This is especially important if you noticed anything out of the ordinary during your own inspection. This would include loose or damaged wires or problems with the pilot light. An HVAC contractor is the best person to call for in-depth heater maintenance and repairs.

To learn more about heating maintenance, call a local HVAC professional near you.

About Me
what services can an HVAC technician do for you

What can your HVAC technician do for you? Some HVAC contractors perform tasks beyond the heating and cooling system work that they do for you. In fact, my HVAC technician does plumbing and even some electrical work in my home. I had no idea that the company offered this type of service until he made a few suggestions about improving the plumbing system in my home as he inspected my HVAC system to get it ready for winter. Find out what your HVAC contractor can do for your home here on my blog. When you've reached the end, you will know very well what you can ask of your technician and avoid contacting a second contractor.
