Some HVAC contractors are able to perform tasks beyond the heating and cooling system work that you expect. Click here for more information.

Three Causes For A Noisy Outdoor Air Conditioning Unit And What You Can Do To Correct Them

10 November 2015
, Articles

If your central air conditioning system's outdoor unit is making distracting or unusual sounds, such as rattling or buzzing, then it may be caused by one of several common problems. Fortunately, these problems aren't serious and can be corrected by most homeowners willing to spend a little time diagnosing and making repairs. Below are three possible causes for a noisy outdoor unit and what you can do to correct the trouble: Loose cabinet
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Three Reasons Why Your Home’s Water Pressure Suddenly Sucks

30 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

When the water pressure in all areas of your home suddenly takes a nosedive, it can turn even the simplest activities, such as washing the dishes, into an exhausting chore. Many times the problem can be easily fixed, but first you have to figure out what the issue could be. Here are three things that could be causing low water pressure in your home. Recent Plumbing or Other Home Repairs
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Dealing With Central A/C Air Flow Issues

30 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

Good air flow lies at the cornerstone of your central air conditioning system's operation. Without it, the conditioned air your central A/C produces wouldn't be able to circulate throughout your home. Poor air flow issues can be caused by a variety of common problems. In fact, the following shows how you can resolve your A/C system's air flow problems by fixing these common issues: Check Your Vent Registers In homes without zoned climate control systems, closing vent registers is often the go-to method for moderating temperatures on a room-by-room basis.
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Understanding How Pads Can Be Used To Keep An Air Conditioner Level

26 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you have recently contacted an air conditioning contractor to have a new central cooling system installed, then you will need to make sure that the air conditioner condenser is secured in the right spot outside your home. The unit should be set in an area away from trees, shrubs, and other constructions that can block the exhaust that allows warm air to dissipate. You also will need to find a completely level area to set the condenser.
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About Me
what services can an HVAC technician do for you

What can your HVAC technician do for you? Some HVAC contractors perform tasks beyond the heating and cooling system work that they do for you. In fact, my HVAC technician does plumbing and even some electrical work in my home. I had no idea that the company offered this type of service until he made a few suggestions about improving the plumbing system in my home as he inspected my HVAC system to get it ready for winter. Find out what your HVAC contractor can do for your home here on my blog. When you've reached the end, you will know very well what you can ask of your technician and avoid contacting a second contractor.
